Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Development and Application of an ALE Large Deformation Formulation [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 17-24]
Asphalt Mixture
Identification Effect of Nanoclay on Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 49-57]
Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Biomimetic coating
Effect of Alkali and Heat Treatment on Biomimetic HA Coating on Ti6Al4V [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 59-63]
Bitumen Modifies
Identification Effect of Nanoclay on Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 49-57]
Block-pulse functions
Hybrid of Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Mixed Hammerstein Integral Equations [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 53-57]
Centre manifold
Evaluation of the Centre Manifold Method for Limit Cycle Calculations of a Nonlinear Structural Wing [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 33-41]
Coefficient of Consolidation
Strength-Flow Parameters of Loose Silty Sands From Piezocone Tests [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-23]
Contact Force
Design, Modeling, and Construction of a New Tactile Sensor for Measuring Contact-Force [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 9-14]
Cooperative Robots –Adaptive-Robust Control Scheme –5 DOF robot manipulators– Trajectory Tracking
An Adaptive-Robust Control Approach for Trajectory Tracking of two 5 DOF Cooperating Robot Manipulators Moving a Rigid Payload [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-9]
Coupled formulations
Development and Application of an ALE Large Deformation Formulation [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 17-24]
Strength-Flow Parameters of Loose Silty Sands From Piezocone Tests [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-23]
Domain of attraction
Evaluation of the Centre Manifold Method for Limit Cycle Calculations of a Nonlinear Structural Wing [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 33-41]
Dynamic model
Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Dynamic programming
Biomechanical Investigation of Empirical Optimal Trajectories Introduced for Snatch Weightlifting [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 41-47]
Development and Application of an ALE Large Deformation Formulation [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 17-24]
The Quantification of Uncertainties in Production Prediction Using Integrated Statistical and Neural Network Approaches: An Iranian Gas Field Case Study [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-7]
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Preliminary Site Selection of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants - A GIS-based approach [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 25-32]
Hybrid of Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Mixed Hammerstein Integral Equations [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 53-57]
Preliminary Site Selection of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants - A GIS-based approach [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 25-32]
JPDAF algorithm
Multiple Target Tracking With a 2-D Radar Using the JPDAF Algorithm and Combined Motion Model [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 43-51]
Lagrange metric
On Infinitesimal Conformal Transformations of the Tangent Bundles with the Generalized Metric [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 65-69]
Limit Cycle
Evaluation of the Centre Manifold Method for Limit Cycle Calculations of a Nonlinear Structural Wing [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 33-41]
Linear matrix inequality
Delay-Dependent Robust Asymptotically Stable for Linear Time Variant Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-40]
Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional
Delay-Dependent Robust Asymptotically Stable for Linear Time Variant Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-40]
Lyapunov methods
Extension of Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Functions in Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-33]
Mechanical Properties
Identification Effect of Nanoclay on Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 49-57]
Design, Modeling, and Construction of a New Tactile Sensor for Measuring Contact-Force [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 9-14]
Mixed Hammerstein integral equation
Hybrid of Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Mixed Hammerstein Integral Equations [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 53-57]
Multiple target tracking
Multiple Target Tracking With a 2-D Radar Using the JPDAF Algorithm and Combined Motion Model [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 43-51]
Identification Effect of Nanoclay on Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 49-57]
Hybrid of Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Mixed Hammerstein Integral Equations [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 53-57]
Nonlinear aeroelasticity
Evaluation of the Centre Manifold Method for Limit Cycle Calculations of a Nonlinear Structural Wing [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 33-41]
Nonlinear dynamic systems
Extension of Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Functions in Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-33]
Parameterized first-order model transformation
Delay-Dependent Robust Asymptotically Stable for Linear Time Variant Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-40]
Strength-Flow Parameters of Loose Silty Sands From Piezocone Tests [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-23]
Pore Pressure Dissipation
Strength-Flow Parameters of Loose Silty Sands From Piezocone Tests [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-23]
Pumped Storage
Preliminary Site Selection of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants - A GIS-based approach [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 25-32]
Quadrilateral Element
Torsion Analysis of High-Rise Buildings using Quadrilateral Panel Elements with Drilling D.O.F.s [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-67]
Rationalized Haar functions
Hybrid of Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Mixed Hammerstein Integral Equations [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 53-57]
The Quantification of Uncertainties in Production Prediction Using Integrated Statistical and Neural Network Approaches: An Iranian Gas Field Case Study [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-7]
The Quantification of Uncertainties in Production Prediction Using Integrated Statistical and Neural Network Approaches: An Iranian Gas Field Case Study [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-7]
Silty Sand
Strength-Flow Parameters of Loose Silty Sands From Piezocone Tests [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-23]
Biomechanical Investigation of Empirical Optimal Trajectories Introduced for Snatch Weightlifting [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 41-47]
The Quantification of Uncertainties in Production Prediction Using Integrated Statistical and Neural Network Approaches: An Iranian Gas Field Case Study [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-7]
Site selection
Preliminary Site Selection of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants - A GIS-based approach [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 25-32]
Sport Biomechanics
Biomechanical Investigation of Empirical Optimal Trajectories Introduced for Snatch Weightlifting [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 41-47]
Stability Analysis
Extension of Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Functions in Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-33]
Strain Based Panel Element
Torsion Analysis of High-Rise Buildings using Quadrilateral Panel Elements with Drilling D.O.F.s [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-67]
Tactile Sensor
Design, Modeling, and Construction of a New Tactile Sensor for Measuring Contact-Force [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 9-14]
Tall Building
Torsion Analysis of High-Rise Buildings using Quadrilateral Panel Elements with Drilling D.O.F.s [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-67]
Time-delay systems
Delay-Dependent Robust Asymptotically Stable for Linear Time Variant Systems [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-40]
The Quantification of Uncertainties in Production Prediction Using Integrated Statistical and Neural Network Approaches: An Iranian Gas Field Case Study [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-7]
Velocity change
Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Von Karman plate
Evaluation of the Centre Manifold Method for Limit Cycle Calculations of a Nonlinear Structural Wing [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 33-41]
Whiplash injuries
Proposing a 2D Dynamical Model for Investigating the parameters Affecting Whiplash Injuries [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 11-16]
Preliminary Site Selection of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants - A GIS-based approach [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 25-32]
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